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Canadian Job Gains Strongest on Record

BecomeACanadian - Canadian Job

According to the Financial Accountability Office, employment in Ontario, Canada, last year increased by 338,300 positions. When combined with the figures from 2021, this record shows the strongest two-year period of job gains to be recorded.

About half of Canadian workers plan to look for a new job within the first half of this year. This report is according to a poll by Robert Half, a business consulting firm.

The respondents of the poll gave different reasons for their intention to look for a new job. The main reason was a higher salary. Other top reasons were more advancement opportunities and better benefits, Become A Canadian reported.

New positions in Ontario, Canada

Details about the Financial Accountability Office Report

The survey by Robert Half revealed that four in 10 respondents indicated their feeling of being unfairly paid in their current role.

However, the average hourly wages of Ontario workers rose by 4.2% to $32.94 last year. 

Become A Canadian added that the wage remained below the inflation rate of 6.8%, which is the highest in 40 years. 

According to Robert Kavcic, chief economist at BMO Capital Markets, the effective way to fill vacancies is for workers to be paid more.

The Demand for Labor in Canada

The employment increase recorded in Ontario last year, in combination with that of 2021, shows the strongest Canadian job gains on record. Due to this, immigrants are likely to get valuable and rewarding jobs in Canada at this time.



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