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Afghan Refugees Welcomed to Canada with Open Arms

BecomeACanadian - Open arms

Canada has become the new home for thousands of Afghan refugees. In the last three years, the government of Canada has welcomed nothing less than 30,000 Afghans into the country due to the new Taliban regime.

Become A Canadian could establish that the Canadian government is determined to welcome a targeted number of at least 40,000 Afghan refugees before the end of 2023.

The resettlement of Afghan refugees in Canada started in August 2021 when Ottawa announced that Afghans at risk under the new Taliban regime would be welcomed with open arms.

Afghan found new home in Canada in the last three years

More Afghan refugees to be resettled in Canada before December 2023

“The commitment by the government of Canada to resettle nothing less than 40,000 Afghan nationals before the end of 2023 is all-inclusive,” Become A Canadian reported. 

According to a report from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Canada is offering one of the world’s largest programs for resettling Afghan refugees.  

Currently, about 18,000 more applications are still under review. These applications are subject to review by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Canadian government, and other international non-governmental organizations. 

After the applications are approved, the resettlement of these Afghan nationals is carried out through chartered and commercial flights from Afghanistan and other third party countries. 

How soon can Afghan nationals be resettled in Canada?

An expert at Become A Canadian noted that how quickly it takes any Afghan to arrive in Canada for resettlement largely depends on various factors, such as the location of the Afghan. Regardless, the government of Canada is fully committed to its Afghan resettlement program, and many Afghan refugees will be welcomed to Canada.



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